Andy B Podcasts and Stuff

S06E008, Get It Sorted! Andy B 2 Minute Video

Andy B Season 6 Episode 8

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I wonder what level of expertise you have in procrastination? I’m pretty sure there must be world records for things like that. But, what if we could spin that positively? And ask what level of expertise you have in keeping going?

Putting something off can make sense. But, it can also let that ‘thing’ grow into a much bigger project.

If you don’t dust regularly you’re actually creating work later. Dust on windows gets damp, and damp dust becomes mould. So spending time dusting every day, or every week, will save you dividends in time later. Let alone the health benefits it will provide.

If you’re putting something off, grab the bull by the horns and get it sorted.

Unless you’re putting off running away from that bull…in which case, why are you even grabbing that bull by the horns?

Just a thought…

Andy B

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